Monday, January 14, 2008

On the Move

Dear Family & Friends,

I heard from Jim yesterday and he sounded wonderful! He and Matt held a little party/fellowship group at their flat last night--he said it was GREAT! Albina and her family came (Andre, little Andre and Katya), Pastor Sasha and his wife Natasha, Svetlana and Ruslan & Archie were there also. They sang some worship songs in English and in Ukrainian and were able to share the Gospel w/their new friends as Ruslan translated for them. Jim also took the opportunity to thank our new friends for all that they have done to help us and how God had used them to minister to us as streams in the desert. We both agreed that these dear people will be forever in our hearts as each plays a special role in Roman's road to home and they are all now lifelong friends!

Well, this morning they were headed to the orphanage to pick Roman up and say good-bye to his friends and caregivers--a day we have prayed for, for almost 2 years! It is hard to believe that in 3 short days they will be home...we are all so excited! Here's how you can be praying:

1) Please pray for Roma--yes, he is ready to go w/his Papa and Uncle but we are not sure if he understands that he is never going back to the orphanage and this will cause him to be fearful and anxious. Please pray that God would comfort his young heart and mind and ease his fears. Pray that he would embrace even more the love of his Papa. Pray for Jim and Matt to know how best to help him over the next few days. Pray also for Roma as he is not used to traveling for so long a time...apparently kids who are not used to being in a moving vehicle for so long a time get motionsickness pretty easy! Please also pray for the transition and adjustment to a new life that lies ahead...

2) Please pray that they don't have to wait all day Monday to get the passport. The plan is that Jim, Roman, Matt and Svetlana will be picked up by Ruslan and taken to Vinnytsa. Once there Svetlana will head to the passport office to wait until the passport is ready, while Jim, Matt and Roma wait at Ruslan's house. Once she gets the passport IN her hands they will head to Kiev--about a 4 hour drive. It is important that they get to Kiev at a good hour so that Svetlana can get the paperwork to the translator for translation (they can't leave the country w/out all the documents translated!) and it takes about 3 days to do this. Pray for the timing of everything...and for peace as they wait to go to Kiev.

3) Please pray for the U.S. Embassy leg of this journey...pray that they will be able to process Roman's visa in only 2 days. When we were at the Embassy before I left the guy helping us said that it should only take 2 days but they tell people 3 days (that is cutting it close since they have to be at the airport in the morning on Thursday not the afternoon). Pray for swiftness and that God would once again go before them w/His favor and allow everything to just fall into place. Pray for peace as they go the appointments necessary in Kiev.

4) Pray for safety as they travel to Kiev today--still snow on the ground.

5) Please pray for our children here in the States as they await the arrival of their daddy and new brother. I have been talking w/Nicholas nonstop since I got home about his new brother...he nods his head in agreement and seems to understand some things but I don't think he fully understands how his little world is about to change. He is adjusting to having his mommy back, which has been good, but just as he is getting used to things all will change again, and it will be yet another adjustment to have his daddy and new brother home--a lot for a 2 year old! Pray also for the girls...they remember last year and how long it took to find a new "normal" and they are a little anxious. However, they are really excited to see and hug the brother that they have prayed for for so long! It will be a sweet reunion on Thursday night...we are ALL going to the airport...please pray for our safety as we travel there and back.

Thank you for your constant prayers and support of our family--we are overwhelmed at how God has loved us through all of you. We can't wait for you to meet Roma...a little treasure!

Love and blessings,
Karen (for Jim, Matt & Roman!)

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